Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wow have I been busy!! A quick update.

So a lot has happened since my June post.

Jaxon was born July 9, 2011. Wow he is almost four months old now. Gee i suck at this whole blogging thing. Anyways, i could not imagine life without him. He is the best baby I could have ever hoped for. He is smiling lots and giggling! He is about to roll over now! (Be careful he doesn't roll off the bed!!).  Having a baby so young is a struggle but its a struggle that I love. We have our hard times; like when he is screaming his head off and won't go to sleep or when we have to juggle all of our schedules around work, baseball, appointment etc.. to watch him. But in the end it is all worth it. We just love him so much and it is totally all worth it.

Halloween has come and gone. Jaxon was a LumberJax. (haha) It was a really easy and super cute costume. We dress him in clothes that he already had. We just had to buy a beanie (which he needed anyways for our trip to Reno in a week) and a mustache that came with Ryan's pirate costume. I glued the mustache to the binki. It actually worked and turned out so cute!!

He spit the mustache binki just before this. Dang it! 

Pirate Daddy and LumberJax

Ryan finally turned 21! YAY!! We went out gambling and out to dinner to the Yard House. Yummy! He can finally go into the big boy part of the restaurants. haha Love you Ry Ry I couldn't imagine life without you!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

I have recently become quite the DIY crafter. Being a really tight budget DIY is awesome. I look around the house a find all these cool crafts I could do. I love it and it takes my mind off the real world for a bit. I created a scarf out of one of Ryan's old t-shirts. I have also learned to be quite the cook since eating out is more expensive. I have made some awesome ranch baked chicken and homemade spaghetti sauce. I am really looking forward to making more DIY projects for my family and the upcoming holiday!! has become my new best friend!! Seriously.. take one look you will be hooked.

Super easy instructions! 

Fun, Quirky, Modern Frame!!

8x10 frame 
1 inch white mat
 email: to order yours!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Vegas Baby Shower!!

I am a major slacker on updating my blog. So I have lots to tell you! 

First the Vegas baby shower was a complete success even while moving in the process. I appreciate the Utah crew (you know who you are) for all the you have done for my family and I!! 
(Click below to view the photos from the weekend.)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Vegas Baby Shower!!

The Vegas Baby Shower is next weekend!!! We are so excited to celebrate our little boy with our friends and family. We also really appreciate all of the support from everybody. So ... THANK YOU! 

Reminder: If any of you do decide on purchasing any of the items mentioned below please do not forget to email my cousin Kaylee at  Thanks and can't wait to see you at the baby shower!!! 

Crib Bedding Wish List

We have been having a hard time finding crib bedding that we like. So here are a few blankets that we love!!





Saturday, April 16, 2011

Paint Alternative

Since we are moving yet again, it easier to decorate walls with decorative vinyl stickers rather than painting. I love this tree sticker.

Tree: Gray
Leaves: Green
Birds: Turquoise

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dream Chair Alternative

I recently posted about a chair that I absolutely love, however, it costs an arm and a leg! So, i found a great alternative chair in beige that looks super comfy. Guess where i found it... Walmart!! Shocking!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rock-a-Bye Baby - Wish List

When my cousin Kaylee told me about Rock-a-Bye Baby I had to hurry and check it out. Ry and I completely love it and adding it to our wish list.






Green Day


Guns N' Roses


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Things we can't register for, but found online!!

Diaper Bag for Mommy


Changing Pad


Diaper Wipes Case


Wall Art for the Nursery
(This one is secretly for Ryan, haha)

Email Kaylee Clark at once you have purchased an item so that it can be removed from the wish list. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dream Chair

This is my dream chair made by monte designs. Ry and I would love to rock our baby to sleep in it and read him bed time stories. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Things I simply can't register for at Target or Baby's R Us!

If you choose to purchase one of these items copy the website at the bottom of the product item. Follow the website on how to purchase the item. Then email Kaylee @ and notify her of which item you chose. 




Nursery Design Ideas

Im super excited to start decorating Baby Baker's Nursery. Here are some that inspire me!

I love the simplicity of this Nursery. The red dresser and cube storage unit is my favorite! Visit: , for more details. 

I LOVE this room! I like the mix of bright colors, chalk board wall, and unique furniture. 
Visit: , for more information.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby Shower

The Utah/Vegas Baby Shower is April 30, 2011. For more information please contact Kaylee Clark at

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Baker


Today we found out what our little peanut is. We are so excited to have a little boy. We have a few names picked out but, haven't decided for sure. However, I am so excited to start on the nursery.